


poets often use many words【詩人往往用紛繁復雜的語言】

to say a simple thing【去述說一個簡單的故事】

it takes thought and time and rhyme【其中需要多少時間和韻律的思量】

to make a poem sing【才能詩成一首】

with music and words i've been playing【隨著播放著的音樂與歌詞】

for you i have written a song【我為你寫下了這首歌】

to be sure that you know what i'm saying【為了讓你明白我的心意】

i'll translate as i go along【離別前我將會為你精心譯唱】

fly me to the moon【帶我飛向月球吧】

and let me play among the stars【讓我在浩繁星空中流連忘返】

won't you let me see【你一定會帶我去欣賞】

what spring is like on jupiter and mars【木星與火星的春天】

in other words: hold my hand【換句話說:請握緊我的手】

in other words: darlng, kiss me【換句話說:親愛的請吻我】

fill my heart with songs【讓我心中充滿悅耳的歌聲吧】

and let me sing forever more【讓我把它們傳唱到永遠】

cause you're all i long for【我這一切都是為了】

all i worship and adore【對你不滅的敬仰與熱愛】

in other words: please be true【換句話說:請真心對我】

in other words: i love you【換句話說:我愛你】